# Main #

About CSRB

CSRB's development started in 2017 as a technology exploratory part-time project and has since evolved into a full-fledged prototype system. The project has been in private/stealth mode since the beginning, and has been gradually opening up to the public since July 2020.

CSRB consists of a high-level architecture design for the allocation, management/control, distribution, and interconnection of the resources, and a supporting purpose-built full-stack communication middleware.

A CSRB Network effectively operates as a single unified processing and storage system, making a global CSRB Network a true internet computer.

Market-space Edge
What differentiates CSRB from the various existing Edge Computing, Distributed Processing, and secure communication middleware solutions:

  • Embedded C++ design
  • Extended performance, minimal hardware and OS requirements, low power-consumption, and simplified integration and deployment.
  • Single compact codebase
  • Cost-effective customer review process and verification process for critical systems integration.
    Highly customisable to customer security and operational requirements.
  • Asynchronous Communication by design
  • Designed from the ground up to operate asynchronously at large scale, achieving Streaming Based I/O performance with native-parallel Asynchronous Based I/O.

Contact Information
Email: info@[csrb.app]
Twitter: @CSRBapp
IRC: ircs://irc.libera.chat #CSRB (WebIRC)

How CSRB Works

A CSRB Network consists of multiple backbone routers (CSRBrouters) and user nodes (CSRBnodes). Each CSRBnode connects to a CSRBrouter of their CSRB Network (public or own/private) and becomes part of that network. All secure communication with the other CSRBnodes happens via that CSRBrouter connection, with direct CSRBnode to CSRBnode connectivity considered the future.

The CSRBrouters of a network manage their own internal encrypted connectivity with each other forming combinations of daisy-chain, star, and segmented topologies. Data packets from CSRBnodes traverse the CSRB Network via the CSRBrouters transparently without the need for the user to care about the specific topology.

Each CSRBnode is assigned with a unique 128bit CSRB Network address used for all communication between the nodes. The network operates a flat address space abstracted from the actual network topology. Accessing a resource of the network is done via a combination of node address and unique resource address (64 to 128bit, depending on the resource type). This method of addressing provides and efficient and alternative approach to Name Services by making possible the use of hashing to directly generate the access information of a resource. The CSRB Middleware can be easily switched to 256bit or more addressing space, if ever needed.

The exposed API allows user experiences as simple as open(), wait for/read()/write() data, close() a service, with additional low-level operations available for more advanced applications. The CSRB middleware is thread-safe and supports complex concurrent accesses.

Technical Information

Key Characteristics

  • Centralised architecture with decentralised communication capabilities
  • Fully encrypted communication with network level/managed encryption and application end-to-end encryption support
  • Certificate based access control to network and individual computing resources
  • Support for distributed communication, DB/Object storage, processing

Technical Characteristics

  • Full-stack C++ development from scratch
  • Single Application/Library design
  • No external services dependency
  • Only Crypto libraries external hard-dependency
  • UDP asynchronous low-level communication with network-layer data retransmission and delivery assurance
  • Low-latency LAN communication
  • Tested on: Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, MS Windows


  • Linearly scalable network architecture
  • Abstracted flat global addressing space
  • Local and Wide Area Networking support
  • Cluster and Star Topologies with automatic network path detection, link failover, and data routing
  • Asynchronous connectionless low-level communication with integrated retransmissions and delivery assurance
  • Certificate based Node & Resource access authentication.
  • Full encrypted communication
  • Automatic period encryption keys refresh
  • Object Oriented Data Model (Data Integrity & Safety)
  • Integrated distributed database/filesystem
  • Integrated distributed code execution (C++, Python)

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